Activate your Spirit Channel and unlock my potent, tried and tested method
for channelling your spirit guides.
This is THE channelling program, - a truly transformational program that will show you how to work with the spiritual realms to manifest your highest desires, create success in your business, activate your soul purpose, set up your own business as a channeller, or just use your newfound channelling abilities to create the life you want.
This is a practitioner certification course that will have you channelling your guides, angels, higher self, trance channelling, light language channelling, and much, much more.
Is your soul craving an actionable, clear and effective (not fluffy) crash course in channelling? Thats been proven to work?
I know that you being on this page right now, means you crave results, like me. I get it, you want waaaay more than you’re currently experiencing in life and business.
You’re ready for your next level. You’re ready for massive impact, success and abundance.
You know deep down, you’ve always been destined for more.
And inside Channelling Spirit Academy, I’ll show you exactly how.
Activate your Spirit Channel and unlock my potent, tried and tested method
for channelling your spirit guides.
This is THE channelling program, - a truly transformational program that will show you how to work with the spiritual realms to manifest your highest desires, create success in your business, activate your soul purpose, set up your own business as a channeller, or just use your newfound channelling abilities to create the life you want.
This is a practitioner certification course that will have you channelling your guides, angels, higher self, trance channelling, light language channelling, and much, much more.
Is your soul craving an actionable, clear and effective (not fluffy) crash course in channelling? Thats been proven to work?
I know that you being on this page right now, means you crave results, like me. I get it, you want waaaay more than you’re currently experiencing in life and business.
You’re ready for your next level. You’re ready for massive impact, success and abundance.
You know deep down, you’ve always been destined for more.
And inside Channelling Spirit Academy, I’ll show you exactly how.
It is the reason why I met my husband… We had met at events and he asked to meet up with me, I first declined, then the same day my spirit guides told me loudly and clearly that I had to go meet up with him. The next day I did, and immediately we had a spark and connection, and the rest is history.
It is the reason why I have been able to live where I do.. Spirit instructed me to travel to this part of the world where I now live, alone, for a month. I did, and immediately recognised this was our home, and we moved here shortly after.
It is the reason why I have created the abundance the way that I have.. Channelling my spirit guides in my business was the ultimate game changer for me. Having clarity on my soulmate clients, what offerings I should have, understanding the highest aligned marketing strategy allowed me to hit goals like first my 6 figure year, then my first 6 figure month, then my first 6 figure week…
It is the reason why I have created my modality Isis Ka® with over 70 hours of teachings, transmissions and energy work that shows Isis priestesses how to activate Ka bodies as practitioners, with all the teachings channelled from Godess Isis.
Channelling my spirit guides is my number sales making activity.
Channelling my spirit guides is the number one priority for me to have a life I love.
Channelling my spirit guides is the highest way for me to stay aligned to my soul, soul purpose and divine service.
Channelling is something I embody every day and it is my gift to share with humanity. I truly believe I embody what channelling every area of your life looks like… to become fully Spirit-Led in all things.
And my purpose is to activate these abilities in other light leaders, and show them how when you live a life fully aligned with the higher spiritual realms, everything always works out for your highest.
It is the reason why I met my husband… We had met at events and he asked to meet up with me, I first declined, then the same day my spirit guides told me loudly and clearly that I had to go meet up with him. The next day I did, and immediately we had a spark and connection, and the rest is history.
It is the reason why I have been able to live where I do.. Spirit instructed me to travel to this part of the world where I now live, alone, for a month. I did, and immediately recognised this was our home, and we moved here shortly after.
It is the reason why I have created the abundance the way that I have.. Channelling my spirit guides in my business was the ultimate game changer for me. Having clarity on my soulmate clients, what offerings I should have, understanding the highest aligned marketing strategy allowed me to hit goals like first my 6 figure year, then my first 6 figure month, then my first 6 figure week…
It is the reason why I have created my modality Isis Ka® with over 70 hours of teachings, transmissions and energy work that shows Isis priestesses how to activate Ka bodies as practitioners, with all the teachings channelled from Godess Isis.
Channelling my spirit guides is my number sales making activity.
Channelling my spirit guides is the number one priority for me to have a life I love.
Channelling my spirit guides is the highest way for me to stay aligned to my soul, soul purpose and divine service.
Channelling is something I embody every day and it is my gift to share with humanity. I truly believe I embody what channelling every area of your life looks like… to become fully Spirit-Led in all things.
And my purpose is to activate these abilities in other light leaders, and show them how when you live a life fully aligned with the higher spiritual realms, everything always works out for your highest.
Hear how Chiara channels her business offerings and programs after graduating from Channelling Spirit Academy
I signed up for Channeling Spirit Academy and then the whole journey started. It was really that course, that opened up a lot for me that healed a lot of my blocks and helped me understand what I actually need to do to channel.
I ask for guidance on pretty much everything, like what I'm supposed to offer, what my clients need. How many clients are going to attend a group session? I also ask about pricing. And I channel all my offerings, like when I do a new offering, I channel it.
And I also think that's why it works so well. Because it's been so fast, like it's gone so quick. And everything just flowed like it wasn't really much of a trial and error. It was okay, I asked my spirit guides for guidance. And I followed it. I channeled all my programs and everything I do is really guided by spirit.
- Chiara Richter, Channel
Hear how Nina channels business offerings and programs to support her clients after graduating from Channelling Spirit Academy
What I really loved about Channelling Spirit Academy was that it opened up so many doors. I was like wow, I can literally do anything with this and understood that you can basically channel anything.
I understood even though we were doing different modules like different star beings or angels, I'm like, Okay, you can connect with specific business guides, you can connect with your own masculine and feminine energy. Like you can literally channel anything.
I would definitely recommend channeling spirit Academy to anyone that is curious to open up to their channeling abilities, because it really is magical.
Not only for purpose work in my business. But literally anything in your life, if you want to be spirit led, I've had such interesting experiences, even like in my past relationship, when we were having an argument that spirit actually came in and mediated it was really interesting. So it's actually quite funny when, when you have that connection in your everyday life, it's receiving guidance about your relationships, about what you should be eating to feel healthy, and an energetic and a co creative process when you'd like to manifest in your life as well.
So that's really, it's really beautiful.
- Nina Oberoi, Channel
Hear how Nina channels business offerings and programs to support her clients after graduating from Channelling Spirit Academy
What I really loved about Channelling Spirit Academy was that it opened up so many doors. I was like wow, I can literally do anything with this and understood that you can basically channel anything.
I understood even though we were doing different modules like different star beings or angels, I'm like, Okay, you can connect with specific business guides, you can connect with your own masculine and feminine energy. Like you can literally channel anything.
I would definitely recommend channeling spirit Academy to anyone that is curious to open up to their channeling abilities, because it really is magical.
Not only for purpose work in my business. But literally anything in your life, if you want to be spirit led, I've had such interesting experiences, even like in my past relationship, when we were having an argument that spirit actually came in and mediated it was really interesting. So it's actually quite funny when, when you have that connection in your everyday life, it's receiving guidance about your relationships, about what you should be eating to feel healthy, and an energetic and a co creative process when you'd like to manifest in your life as well.
So that's really, it's really beautiful.
- Nina Oberoi, Channel
Hear how Chiara channels her business offerings and programs after graduating from Channelling Spirit Academy
I signed up for Channeling Spirit Academy and then the whole journey started. It was really that course, that opened up a lot for me that healed a lot of my blocks and helped me understand what I actually need to do to channel.
I ask for guidance on pretty much everything, like what I'm supposed to offer, what my clients need. How many clients are going to attend a group session? I also ask about pricing. And I channel all my offerings, like when I do a new offering, I channel it.
And I also think that's why it works so well. Because it's been so fast, like it's gone so quick. And everything just flowed like it wasn't really much of a trial and error. It was okay, I asked my spirit guides for guidance. And I followed it. I channeled all my programs and everything I do is really guided by spirit.
- Chiara Richter, Channel
If you’re done feeling confused, everytime you try to get guidance from your spirit guides about your life path and business steps, and you’re ready to receive clear, tangible, actionable guidance (not fluffy) EVERY SINGLE TIME….
If you’re done feeling overwhelmed everytime you try to figure out the next step on your path, trying to figure out what you are here to do/what you are here to be known for and you’re ready to experience ABSOLUTE clarity on your path and become an authority in your business to have a massive impact….
If you’re done feeling stressed and unsure and uncertain of how to manifest what you want, everytime you try to figure out what steps you need to take to get to your next level, and you’re ready to experience absolute certainty on the direction you need to take…
Then its time to get SpiritCode Activated™ and begin channelling your spirit guides!
If you’re done feeling confused, everytime you try to get guidance from your spirit guides about your life path and business steps, and you’re ready to receive clear, tangible, actionable guidance (not fluffy) EVERY SINGLE TIME….
If you’re done feeling overwhelmed everytime you try to figure out the next step on your path, trying to figure out what you are here to do/what you are here to be known for and you’re ready to experience ABSOLUTE clarity on your path and become an authority in your business to have a massive impact….
If you’re done feeling stressed and unsure and uncertain of how to manifest what you want, everytime you try to figure out what steps you need to take to get to your next level, and you’re ready to experience absolute certainty on the direction you need to take…
Then it's time to get SpiritCode Activated™ and begin channelling your spirit guides!
Channelling is not fluffy.
Channelling is not about trying to decode mysterious and cryptic messages. Channelling is not getting messages like ‘follow your bliss’
Channelling is a fast track path that accelerates you towards your souls true destination and by extension, entrepreneurial success.
If you are not channelling consistently, whenever you want, answering ALL your questions, you’re not channelling properly.
If you are not living your dream life, doing what you live and creating abundance, you’re not channelling properly.
You’re looking for that missing key that you haven’t found just yet.
You’re wondering if there’s some secret knowledge that “successful people” just AREN’T sharing with others. You realize that there must be something you just don’t know.
I know I felt that way.
So what REALLY changed for me? How did I create my life and business as you see it today?
How did I become the channeller I am today?
Creating the life of your wildest dreams is so much simpler than you think.
Very soon you WILL get the hidden blueprint that you’ve been craving. I’m going to lay it all out for you.
I’m going to be honest with you.
Most of what you’ve been taught about channelling is WRONG
It’s ineffective.
It’s counterproductive.
And quite simply, it’s just NOT working.
It’s leaving you feeling overwhelmed and disappointed with very little to show for all the hours and hours you’ve spent meditating and trying to connect with your guides.
Most channelling courses out there are created by those who are not yet fully embodied channels - they have not created incredible success in all areas of life with their channelling abilities.
This is because they are not SpiritCode Activated™.
The reality is 99.999% of people are NOT channelling.
Even the ones who say they chat with their spirit guides are having one-sided conversations.
They close their eyes, call in their spirit guides, ask a question and then maybe get a word or two. Or an image. Sometimes a sentence, or two.
That's not channelling, that's just a form of meditation that opens you up to some downloads.
Tell me why, if you’re having conversations with your spiritual team - you’re not living your full soul purpose embodied, abundant, successful, surrounded by soulmates, your dream life?
Why aren’t you FULLY in your soul purpose sharing your soul medicine with the world? Because you're not channelling.
Channelling is not cryptic. It is having a straight forward conversation with your spirit guides and getting your questions answered.
Getting CLEAR, TANGIBLE, ACTIONABLE guidance that propels you into your soul-aligned future.
When you’re SpiritCode Activated™ you actually channel with clarity.
If you’re struggling in life and business, you’re not channelling properly. Thats as simple as it gets.
My day to day looks like talking to my spirit guides for often hours, channelling entire programs.
No, I didn’t just get a ‘soul download’ I sat with a specific being and channelled specific information and teachings word for word.
It looks like asking for information about business, and what direction is highest aligned for me to have the greatest impact and divine service on the world. That's my day to day, Because channelling properly, through becoming SpiritCode Activated™ is not just a tool, it's the KEY to having everything you want.
I’ve been lucky enough to discover the success principles of channelling at a young age and go through the frustrating trial and error of what works vs what doesn’t early on. I’ve spent the last 12 years of my life studying the mechanics of channelling to figure out what actually works.
Thankfully I learned that there’s a much simpler way to easily and effortlessly channel your spirit guides to create the life and business you desire you want
If that actually worked…. You wouldn’t be here right now reading these words on this page, would you?
Channelling is MORE than just asking your guides Yes/No questions
Its more than just sitting at home, meditating and getting some downloads about next actions.
Its more than waking up with a clear idea in your head of your next step.
Its not consulting cards, trying to figure out what they mean.
There are much deeper elements that just aren’t being commonly talked about or taught.
When things finally clicked for me, I went from being a broke healer, to becoming a 7 figure business owner, travelling the world, marrying my soulmate and growing a very successful business.
When you understand what truly works and what doesn’t, everything changes.
You’re looking for that missing key that you haven’t found just yet.
You’re wondering if there’s some secret knowledge that “successful people” just AREN’T sharing with others. You realize that there must be something you just don’t know.
I know I felt that way.
So what REALLY changed for me? How did I create my life and business as you see it today?
How did I become the channeller I am today?
Creating the life of your wildest dreams is so much simpler than you think.
Very soon you WILL get the hidden blueprint that you’ve been craving. I’m going to lay it all out for you.
I’m going to be honest with you.
Most of what you’ve been taught about channelling is WRONG
It’s ineffective.
It’s counterproductive.
And quite simply, it’s just NOT working.
It’s leaving you feeling overwhelmed and disappointed with very little to show for all the hours and hours you’ve spent meditating and trying to connect with your guides.
Most channelling courses out there are created by those who are not yet fully embodied channels - they have not created incredible success in all areas of life with their channelling abilities.
This is because they are not SpiritCode Activated™.
The reality is 99.999% of people are NOT channelling.
Even the ones who say they chat with their spirit guides are having one-sided conversations.
They close their eyes, call in their spirit guides, ask a question and then maybe get a word or two. Or an image. Sometimes a sentence, or two.
That's not channelling, that's just a form of meditation that opens you up to some downloads.
Tell me why, if you’re having conversations with your spiritual team - you’re not living your full soul purpose embodied, abundant, successful, surrounded by soulmates, your dream life?
Why aren’t you FULLY in your soul purpose sharing your soul medicine with the world? Because you're not channelling.
Channelling is not cryptic. It is having a straight forward conversation with your spirit guides and getting your questions answered.
Getting CLEAR, TANGIBLE, ACTIONABLE guidance that propels you into your soul aligned future.
When you’re SpiritCode Activated™ you actually channel with clarity.
If you’re struggling in life and business, you’re not channelling properly. Thats as simple as it gets.
My day to day looks like talking to my spirit guides for often hours, channelling entire programs.
No, I didn’t just get a ‘soul download’ I sat with a specific being and channelled specific information and teachings word for word.
It looks like asking for information about business, and what direction is highest aligned for me to have the greatest impact and divine service on the world. That's my day to day, Because channelling properly, through becoming SpiritCode Activated™ is not just a tool, it's the KEY to having everything you want.
I’ve been lucky enough to discover the success principles of channelling at a young age and go through the frustrating trial and error of what works vs what doesn’t early on. I’ve spent the last 12 years of my life studying the mechanics of channelling to figure out what actually works.
Thankfully I learned that there’s a much simpler way to easily and effortlessly channel your spirit guides to create the life and business you desire you want
If that actually worked…. You wouldn’t be here right now reading these words on this page, would you?
Channelling is MORE than just asking your guides Yes/No questions
Its more than just sitting at home, meditating and getting some downloads about next actions.
Its more than waking up with a clear idea in your head of your next step.
Its not consulting cards, trying to figure out what they mean.
There are much deeper elements that just aren’t being commonly talked about or taught.
When things finally clicked for me, I went from being a broke healer, to becoming a 7 figure business owner, travelling the world, marrying my soulmate and growing a very successful business.
When you understand what truly works and what doesn’t, everything changes.
Hear how Brittney Vangestal, healer, channeller and online business owner grew
her business and changed her life after graduating from Channelling Spirit Academy
"Working with Athina was life changing...
Now I just trust everything that I am shown and feel from my guides like doing the
Channelling Spirit Academy I was able to harness an even more incredible relationship
with my team, with God, with the universe, and then saw me like completely freefall
I'm just like, OK, I know that you've got me and everything you show me,
I'm just going to follow."
- Brittney Vangestal
Healer, Activator & Channel.
Hear how Sara began to light language channel and create activating artworks after graduating from Channelling Spirit Academy
"Channelling Spirit Academy has basically changed my life. So really grateful for you and your work. So channelling for me it was calling like since I think 2017... But there was no information out there on how to do it correctly and to do it safely.
That was the big thing for me, because I could feel like every time I wanted to tune in, I was getting so much interception. I was getting so much hijacking. To be honest, it scared me. I didn't want to do it until I was ready. I think it was around 2018 when my friend who did the course and she was raving about you in the course and she's like, oh my God, this is amazing, you should really do it.
I started to do Channelling Spirit Academy and it made me feel very safe, like tapping into these higher frequencies.
After I finished the course, I started to practice in my daily life. It helped me with my relationship and helped me with my loved ones, like my family, to address and kind of see things in a very neutral point of view."
- Sara Shradha Samji
Light Language Coded Artist
Hear how Sara began to light language channel and create activating artworks after graduating from Channelling Spirit Academy
"Channelling Spirit Academy has basically changed my life. So really grateful for you and your work. So channelling for me it was calling like since I think 2017... But there was no information out there on how to do it correctly and to do it safely.
That was the big thing for me, because I could feel like every time I wanted to tune in, I was getting so much interception. I was getting so much hijacking. To be honest, it scared me. I didn't want to do it until I was ready. I think it was around 2018 when my friend who did the course and she was raving about you in the course and she's like, oh my God, this is amazing, you should really do it.
I started to do Channelling Spirit Academy and it made me feel very safe, like tapping into these higher frequencies.
After I finished the course, I started to practice in my daily life. It helped me with my relationship and helped me with my loved ones, like my family, to address and kind of see things in a very neutral point of view."
- Sara Shradha Samji
Light Language Coded Artist
Hear how Jarrod incorporated channelling into his intuitive healing sessions and how he works with nature spirits to clear the land.
"Since learning Channelling Spirit Academy, I have a source of secret information. It just always seems to land after I've navigated something. So, I had that experience with plant medicine. But I needed to understand how to do this? What's the proper way? Because, you know, I was being psychically attacked.
I was not protecting my energy and I had to go through all that stuff. And if it wasn't for working with you, I wouldn't have understood the level of importance in the invocation, you know, so just all these things that have really helped me with my work now. And, now, just being a Clear Channel, doing the work, making sure that I am clear before I step into space, these are very valuable things that I now I get to pass on to people."
- Jarrod Bremer
Intutive Healer
Your path after this program depends on your soul purpose and what you’re being called to do.
Some join because they want to be able to converse with their spiritual team in their life and business, some want to add channelling to their existing offerings, others want to use it in their own business and life to create success.
Our program opens up many pathways, our students have gone on to become:
Your path after this program depends on your soul purpose and what you’re being called to do.
Some join because they want to be able to converse with their spiritual team in their life and business, some want to add channelling to their existing offerings, others want to use it in their own business and life to create success.
Our program opens up many pathways, our students have gone on to become:
Why your business isn’t growing despite everything you’re doing…
After spending years working with light leaders all over the world and channelling their spiritual team, what I quickly learnt was that most light leaders are only making decisions from their mind and throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
Pay attention because this is one of the most important (and foundational things) you’ll ever learn in your business journey & if you don’t get it right now it could cost you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours later…
Where most people think they have a sales or marketing problem (they think they’re not reaching enough people or not showing up enough enough or don’t have enough new client enquiries) what they’re missing is the CURCIAL step that comes before anything else.
The fact that your business is your vehicle for your soul purpose expression and must be spirit-led to be fully aligned which ultimately creates abundance.
Without channelling your spiritual team, you will never reach who you’re meant to and have the impact you’re here to create - let alone have others see the power of your work and create massive abundance.
To grow your soul aligned business with ease and consistently sign up new clients, you have to get Spiritcode Activated™ and Master Channelling Your Spiritual Team.
For light leaders it’s a non negotiable.
But theres a problem….
> You don’t know how. You probably bought some ‘connect with your spirit guides’ or ‘psychic development’ programs but none of them really got you any closer to creating abundance and success.
> You’re still confused about exactly what you’re here to do, and the ONE THING that you want to be known for…
>You haven’t connected into a core powerful message so your audience isn’t sure what you do or what you’re selling and doesn’t end up buying
> You know you’re here to make a massive impact but you don’t know, and what you keep trying doesn’t end up getting the results you want..
> People don’t value your work because its not a FULL reflection of your soul purpose, soul gifts and soul codes. Because of this even if you spend a lot of time creating and working on content, it doesn’t translate to engagement or sales.
This ALL changes when you become Spirit-led.
Being Spirit-Led creates abundant light leaders who magnetise their soulmate clients through their soul purpose and soul codes through channelled offerings that change the world.
They hold the template for 5th dimensional business.
Being Spirit-led is what ultimately creates true abundance from a place of joy and ease - not overwhelm and stress.
The truth is as a light leader, you’re here to have a massive impact and your soul mate clients are waiting on you. Its time for you to share your soul work with the world.
I’m here to help you make that happen.
Consider me your Spirit Activator. I activate your spirit channel, and your soul gifts and pull your soul purpose fully out
So that you can finally create a thriving powerful abundant soul aligned business that deeply impacts humanity, allowas you to get paid abundantly and creates a lifestyle that you love.
Now is your time, you have been born for this and the world is ready for you.
Why your business isn’t growing despite everything you’re doing…
After spending years working with light leaders all over the world and channelling their spiritual team, what I quickly learnt was that most light leaders are only making decisions from their mind and throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
Pay attention because this is one of the most important (and foundational things) you’ll ever learn in your business journey & if you don’t get it right now it could cost you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours later…
Where most people think they have a sales or marketing problem (they think they’re not reaching enough people or not showing up enough enough or don’t have enough new client enquiries) what they’re missing is the CURCIAL step that comes before anything else.
The fact that your business is your vehicle for your soul purpose expression and must be spirit-led to be fully aligned which ultimately creates abundance.
Without channelling your spiritual team, you will never reach who you’re meant to and have the impact you’re here to create - let alone have others see the power of your work and create massive abundance.
To grow your soul aligned business with ease and consistently sign up new clients, you have to get Spiritcode Activated™ and Master Channelling Your Spiritual Team.
For light leaders it’s a non negotiable.
But theres a problem….
> You don’t know how. You probably bought some ‘connect with your spirit guides’ or ‘psychic development’ programs but none of them really got you any closer to creating abundance and success.
> You’re still confused about exactly what you’re here to do, and the ONE THING that you want to be known for…
>You haven’t connected into a core powerful message so your audience isn’t sure what you do or what you’re selling and doesn’t end up buying
> You know you’re here to make a massive impact but you don’t know, and what you keep trying doesn’t end up getting the results you want..
> People don’t value your work because its not a FULL reflection of your soul purpose, soul gifts and soul codes. Because of this even if you spend a lot of time creating and working on content, it doesn’t translate to engagement or sales.
This ALL changes when you become Spirit-led.
Being Spirit-Led creates abundant light leaders who magnetise their soulmate clients through their soul purpose and soul codes through channelled offerings that change the world.
They hold the template for 5th dimensional business.
Being Spirit-led is what ultimately creates true abundance from a place of joy and ease - not overwhelm and stress.
The truth is as a light leader, you’re here to have a massive impact and your soul mate clients are waiting on you. Its time for you to share your soul work with the world.
I’m here to help you make that happen.
Consider me your Spirit Activator. I activate your spirit channel, and your soul gifts and pull your soul purpose fully out
So that you can finally create a thriving powerful abundant soul aligned business that deeply impacts humanity, allowas you to get paid abundantly and creates a lifestyle that you love.
Now is your time, you have been born for this and the world is ready for you.
A clear channel to your spiritual team changes your entire relationship to your life and business.
Not being spirit-led creates frustration and confusion and costs a lot of time whenever you try to market your business…
A clear channel to your spiritual team, allows you to be fully in your soul purpose, your soul codes and magnetise your soulmate clients to you.
Not being spirit-led create confusion on the path you’re meant to be on and you end up manufacturing offerings that are not fully soul aligned.
A clear channel to your spiritual team, allows you to be fully in your soul purpose, your soul codes and magnetise your soulmate clients to you.
Not being spirit-led create confusion on the path you’re meant to be on and you end up manufacturing offerings that are not fully soul aligned.
Being a clear channel to your spiritual, allows you to channel what you’re here to share and channel fully soul aligned unique offerings and bring certainty to your marketing.
Not being spirit-led makes it significantly harder to create abundance, whilst being a clear channel to your spiritual team, allows you to create true abundance from a place of alignment and ease.
Not being spirit-led means you’re always trying to figure out why things are happening and what you need to do, theres no clarity and certainty about the highest aligned path for you.
Being a clear channel to your spiritual team allows you to have absolutle clarity on the next step, what your next level looks like and exactly how to get there.
The first step to becoming Spirit-Led is Mastering Channelling Your Spiritual Team. Mastering channelling your spiritual team requires becoming SpiritCode Activated™.
A clear channel to your spiritual team changes your entire relationship to your life and business.
Not being spirit-led creates frustration and confusion and costs a lot of time whenever you try to market your business…
A clear channel to your spiritual team, allows you to be fully in your soul purpose, your soul codes and magnetise your soulmate clients to you.
Not being spirit-led create confusion on the path you’re meant to be on and you end up manufacturing offerings that are not fully soul aligned.
A clear channel to your spiritual team, allows you to be fully in your soul purpose, your soul codes and magnetise your soulmate clients to you.
Not being spirit-led create confusion on the path you’re meant to be on and you end up manufacturing offerings that are not fully soul aligned.
Being a clear channel to your spiritual, allows you to channel what you’re here to share and channel fully soul aligned unique offerings and bring certainty to your marketing.
Not being spirit-led makes it significantly harder to create abundance, whilst being a clear channel to your spiritual team, allows you to create true abundance from a place of alignment and ease.
Not being spirit-led means you’re always trying to figure out why things are happening and what you need to do, theres no clarity and certainty about the highest aligned path for you.
Being a clear channel to your spiritual team allows you to have absolutle clarity on the next step, what your next level looks like and exactly how to get there.
The first step to becoming Spirit-Led is Mastering Channelling Your Spiritual Team. Mastering channelling your spiritual team requires becoming SpiritCode Activated™.
Hear how Jessica Gianetto, a reiki healer and founder of Dragonfly Healing, began channelling plant and crystals as part of her sessions after graduating Channelling Spirit Academy.
"Now something that's really beautiful since learning how to channel with you is I'm actually channelling the plant spirits and offering that guidance and why they want to connect with my clients and why they want to come through and work with my clients, which that's been amazing."
- Jessica Gianetto
Healer & Channel
Channelling Spirit Academy has enabled me to discern the difference in connecting with my higher self, guides, and other beings.
I can now easily connect and can recognize the subtle sensations within my body acknowledging when is time to speak! I couldn't have been able to connect so well had it not have been for Athina & her course.
Being able to have a group learning at the same time has made a world of difference. Practicing was easier than expected and have met some amazing people. I connect in with my team daily following Athina's step by step guide. I LOVE IT!!
I had been following Athina's work for years! Athina is the best mentor. She is so kind, patient, caring, and genuine.
She always has time for me, and helps me understand a lot about myself and my spiritual team as well as my own purpose. I look forward to many more courses with her! Thank you Athina for being the BEST mentor. xxxx
Ellie Garnham
Quantum Healer
Chanelling Spirit Academy has been so instrumental in giving me a very clear, step by step process on connecting with my spiritual team. I felt like I needed a framework to step into this work and Athina delivers a clear process on how to do this.
It's been amazing to open up to guidance from light beings and while I was already indirectly channelling during my healing sessions with clients (which I wasn't aware I was doing until this course helped me identify that!), the ability to trance channel has been mind-blowing!
It's also helped me heal at a deeper level and open myself up to becoming a better energy healer and channel. This has become a way of life for me and for that, I'm grateful!
CSA was really great. There was tons of info and I personally loved a lot of the guided meditations and activations. Athina is a wonderful and dedicated teacher, and a testament to that fact is that I've chosen to train in Reiki all the way to Master level with her before embarking on CSA also.
Sonia Kapur Taylor
Self Love Coach, Channel and Healer
We have so many students come through this program and graduate with amazing results, many go on to start their own channelling businesses and create great abundance from this work.
So, why does this program continue to get such good results compared to other 'psychic ability courses'
Its because this program allows you to become SpiritCode Activated™, Athina is the creator of SpiritCode Transformation Therapy® and is one of the core processes used to activate your channelling abilities.
But along with that its also having 1) an effective system (a trialed, tested, proven system that works) and 2) energy healing support to clear your specific channelling blocks 3) personalised support to help you get the results
Because Channelling is not a theoretical exercise, you need to know how to work with your energy efficiently to be able to receive and navigate dimensions. We teach you this in Channelling Spirit Academy™.
This program takes you through my signature system R.A.E. Method™ which has allowed hundreds of lightworkers to channel. You are taken through this system in the first month of the program so you understand how to shift your energy, access the quantum, connect to higher dimensions, protect, clear and expand your energetic capacity to receive divine information.
The second part, your energy activations:
You’ll be taken through my activation processes to get SpiritCode Activated™ this will allow your spirit channel to come online. Most people have very dormant higher chakra and energy systems, we work on activating your higher energy systems, so accessing higher frequencies and energies is much easier. You need to expand your energy to recieve and we do this by expanding and activating your energy system.
The third part; energy healing:
Many of us have wounds, traumas, fears, limiting beliefs that block our key psychic centres. In Channelling Spirit Academy™, we support you to clear any blocks, fears, past life and this life wounds that are stopping you from accessing your psychic abilities using my modality SpiritCode Transformation Therapy®
We have so many students come through this program and graduate with amazing results, many go on to start their own channelling businesses and create great abundance from this work.
So, why does this program continue to get such good results compared to other 'psychic ability courses'
Its because this program allows you to become SpiritCode Activated™, Athina is the creator of SpiritCode Transformation Therapy® and is one of the core processes used to activate your channelling abilities.
But along with that its also having 1) an effective system (a trialed, tested, proven system that works) and 2) energy healing support to clear your specific channelling blocks 3) personalised support to help you get the results
Because Channelling is not a theoretical exercise, you need to know how to work with your energy efficiently to be able to receive and navigate dimensions. We teach you this in Channelling Spirit Academy™.
This program takes you through my signature system R.A.E. Method™ which has allowed hundreds of lightworkers to channel. You are taken through this system in the first month of the program so you understand how to shift your energy, access the quantum, connect to higher dimensions, protect, clear and expand your energetic capacity to receive divine information.
The second part, your energy activations:
You’ll be taken through my activation processes to get SpiritCode Activated™ this will allow your spirit channel to come online. Most people have very dormant higher chakra and energy systems, we work on activating your higher energy systems, so accessing higher frequencies and energies is much easier. You need to expand your energy to recieve and we do this by expanding and activating your energy system.
The third part; energy healing:
Many of us have wounds, traumas, fears, limiting beliefs that block our key psychic centres. In Channelling Spirit Academy™, we support you to clear any blocks, fears, past life and this life wounds that are stopping you from accessing your psychic abilities using my modality SpiritCode Transformation Therapy®
The high level of support.
You get practise sessions where you will be paired up and be guided into channelling
During this program you actually end up receiving so many channelling
sessions from the other participants
With the coaching calls you can share what's been happening, get help, get guidance
and ask any question you may have.
The tailored energy block sessions with Athinasupport you in clearing blockages you may have so you can get results.
We've hired amazing support coaches who are graduates of Channelling Spirit Academy™ and Isis Ka® and are incredible practitioners themselves,who will work alongside Athina to support you!
This is not a DIY, figure it out on your own type of program, this is a high touch course
that's been running for years, designed to get you amazing results.
The high level of support.
You get practise sessions where you will be paired up and be guided into channelling
During this program you actually end up receiving so many channelling
sessions from the other participants
With the coaching calls you can share what's been happening, get help, get guidance
and ask any question you may have.
The tailored energy block sessions with Athinasupport you in clearing blockages you may have so you can get results.
We've hired amazing support coaches who are graduates of Channelling Spirit Academy™ and Isis Ka® and are incredible practitioners themselves,who will work alongside Athina to support you!
This is not a DIY, figure it out on your own type of program, this is a high touch course
that's been running for years, designed to get you amazing results.
What I teach in this program is the same that I do for my high level 1:1 clients, that has had them scale to 6 figures, multi 6 figures, 7 figures and multi 7 figures. For my clients being able to channel their spirit guides has been the missing key that ultimately catapulted their business. I teach in this program what I do for myself in my business channelling.
Imagine if you could bounce ideas off your guides, easily identify what is aligned with you and reach your business and financial goals with so much more ease. Literally knowing the most aligned steps to take.
Imagine if you could call in the higher self of your partner and understand clearly why something is happening within the relationship. Imagine if you could escape unhealthy relationships and attract healthy ones thanks to the support from your guides. I share my story on my podcast and this is how my husband and I met, only due to my spirit guides pointing us together.
Imagine if when any inner traumas, emotional triggers arise, you could tap in and receive information about why it's there so you can heal it. I love asking my spirit guides in my life when something has come up for me to heal.
Imagine if you could receive clear information about your past lives, your spiritual teams, your soul's purpose and everything in between.
My channelling is what led me to study and then teach energy work, to my current partner, to my closest friends, and to build my business the way it is today.
I absolutely loved Channelling Spirit Academy, and I feel I have only scratched the surface.
Its amazing to know that I can channel my guides and ask advice on making decisions on just about anything.
I have such a great understanding how to connect to the spirit world anytime, that I have the power to do this now.
Carol Hampshire
Soul Essence Brand Designer
Core trainings to take you through EXACTLY how to channel clearly, safely, consistently with my signature R.A.E. Method™ as well as understanding how to work with each dimension, realm and spiritual being.
Our energetic activations are designed to support you activating higher aspects of your light body, your psychci gifts, channelling abilities and to embody a 5th dimensional state. Along with live activations you get access to previous activation sessions that will work on you energetically.
In this group sessions you’ll be able to check in, get feedback about your channelling skills, ask any questions you may have that have come up in your practise sessions, or from the modules, and get support for anything that is coming up for you.
In these group sessions Athina trance channels specific beings that have messages that are important for you to know, some times they provide healings, other time activations other time teachings. This is the work Athina is best known for, her trance channelling sessions are unlike any you will experience.
This sessions provide unique information, powerful energy work and more. You can find more examples of this on Athina's podcast Light Leaders.
In these calls you’ll be partnered up with another Channelling Spirit Academy student and be taken through a process to channel for them and answer nay questions they have, and you’ll also get the oppurtunity to be channelled for and ask any questions you have.
Athina uses her own channelling abilities and modality Spirit Code Transformation Therapy® to tune into your energy, speak with your guides and see what needs to shift, activate or heal for you to fully step into your channelling abilities. You also get a database to previous healing sessions you can work through. In these sessions the entire group receives the energy work even if its coming up specifically for an individual as many of us have similar blocks /need similar activations.
Core trainings to take you through EXACTLY how to channel clearly, safely, consistently with my signature R.A.E. Method™ as well as understanding how to work with each dimension, realm and spiritual being.
Our energetic activations are designed to support you activating higher aspects of your light body, your psychci gifts, channelling abilities and to embody a 5th dimensional state. Along with live activations you get access to previous activation sessions that will work on you energetically.
In this group sessions you’ll be able to check in, get feedback about your channelling skills, ask any questions you may have that have come up in your practise sessions, or from the modules, and get support for anything that is coming up for you.
In these group sessions Athina trance channels specific beings that have messages that are important for you to know, some times they provide healings, other time activations other time teachings. This is the work Athina is best known for, her trance channelling sessions are unlike any you will experience.
This sessions provide unique information, powerful energy work and more. You can find more examples of this on Athina's podcast Light Leaders.
In these calls you’ll be partnered up with another Channelling Spirit Academy student and be taken through a process to channel for them and answer nay questions they have, and you’ll also get the oppurtunity to be channelled for and ask any questions you have.
Athina uses her own channelling abilities and modality Spirit Code Transformation Therapy® to tune into your energy, speak with your guides and see what needs to shift, activate or heal for you to fully step into your channelling abilities. You also get a database to previous healing sessions you can work through. In these sessions the entire group receives the energy work even if its coming up specifically for an individual as many of us have similar blocks /need similar activations.
A deep dive into channelling, preparing yourself to channel. You’ll learn auric and energetic systems for channelling to make sure you’re a clear vessel to channel safely and consistently. You’ll be taken through the R.A.E. Method to master your channelling abilitiy, with this you’ll recieve.
Recieve the energetic activations, coding and transmissions to activate your soul star chakra, your spirit channel and begin connecting into higher realms with ease and, clarity.
You’ll learn how to expand your energy into higher dimensional energy centres, how to access and embody the 5th dimension through teachings and recieveing 5D Golden Blueprint activations.
You’ll be guidied through creating sacred spaces and clearing any negative energies from your space and energetic bodies. You’ll learn advanced discernment techniques to ensure you channel safely everytime. You’ll also recieve healing and clearings around subconcious fears aorund accessing your spiritual gifts.
Learn to work with and channel angelic beings and channel them directly. You’ll be able to provide angel channellings for yourself and others and connect to the angelic beings on your spiritual team, as well as recieve healings from them.
Learn how to work with your higher self and the higher self of others ro provide clear channellings abour soul purpose, soul path and important information about your soul path. You’ll learn to do this through spoken word and automatic writing.
Understand and meet the spirit guides on your team, learn to channel them and see how they can support you daily in all areas of your life, abudnance, business and relationships.
We will activate your light languages and you will learn to speak your own unqiue light language. You will learn the different types and how to channel light language for healings, activations and more.
You’ll connect with the crystal devas and learn to channel them to understand how to work with crystals for healing, activation and to support your spiritual work. You’ll learn to create crystal grids, and crystal elixirs for healing and manifestation. You’ll be tuaght how to clear programming from crystals, reprogram them and channel them to support you in your channelling work.
You’ll be guided to go into a deep trance state to channel through high quality unfiltered information and learn to place yourself safely into a trance state and expand your capacity to hold the energy in your body.
The complete steps and breakdown to run powerful channelling sessions for clients and offer them as services in your business, everything from holding space for clients, to preparing for a session to safely running them.
You’ll learn to identify wuith, conect and channel the galactic beings on your team, and be able to channel the different beings including Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, and any other galactic race that is connected to you. You’ll learn about the different races, how to work with them, and about your own starseed connections from previous lifetimes.
Part of being a powerful channel is knowing how to work with your system to expand your capacity, once you start channelling, the next step is channelling for longer periods of time, in deeper trance states. In these trainings you’ll recieve techinques and tools to work with your nervous system to expand your ability to hold more energy in your body and be a clearer channel.
Many of our students set up their channelling business within a few months of joining our program, we support you to understand the fundamentals of setting up your business, finding clients and marketing yourself as a channeller. You’ll learn how to build a successful business as a channeller.
You’ll be shown how to access, read and channel the records to provide readings on soul purpose, past lives and various questions. You’ll learn how to travel to the Akashic realm and channel the Akashic guides.
You’ll be taken through processes to learn to connect, channel and work with the ascended masters - as critical support for humanities evolution at this time, owkring with them will support you in your own ascension journey.
You’ll learn how to access your ancestral lineage, how to connect with and channel your ancestors and your clients ancestors. You’ll also receive healings and activations on your ancestral lineage.
You’ll be guided into working with the realm of the land spirits, all the different type of land spirits, and how to work with the land spirits in your home. You’ll also be taught how to work with earths ley lines and chakras, about geobiology, minimising geopathic stress, and how to identify Hartman knots in your space.
You’ll be guided into the nature realm, and how to channel and connect with nature spirits, plant spirits, elementals, tree spirits and more. You’ll learn about channelling flower essences, and to bring in nature spirits in your healing work. You’ll learn to work with the higher self and spirits of herbs and plants
You’ll be able to receive a certification after finishing the program and completing the necessary qualifications. Channelling Spirit Academy is accredited by IPHM (International Practitioners of Holisitc Medicine )
PLUS... Channelling Spirit Academy...
The next level of Channelling Spirit Academy, designed to show you how to channel your modalities & offers, channel your content, provide channelled business sessions for clients & how to work with your spiritual team to scale your business.
Yes you want to channel your spiritual team, you want to know your soul purpose, be able to have chats with your spirit guides, get clarity on all areas of your life....
But you want more…
You want to know how I scaled my clients businesses and learn exactly how I did it, YOU WANT to know how to get clients results like scaling to 6 figures, multi 6 figures, 7 figures and multi 7 figures (which I did for my clients all in the last year)
You want to know how I run my business day to day channelling my guides, how I channel my content, channel my soulmate clients, activate and program my offerings and containers....
This is the next level of channelling.
You’ll learn how to provide business channelled sessions for clients - I’ll take you through exactly how to structure and run these sessions, so you can provide business channelling sessions to show clients what is their highest aligned path, their best marketing strategy, channel their offerings, channel their content and more. If you’re already supporting business owners this will add a depth to your work or you can offer this stand alone. This is the work that my clients pay me thousands for.
How to download, receive, request new offers, programs and modalities. You’ll get the break down of whats involved, how to prepare yourself and create space for this to come through, so you can create the programs that you become known for, have massive authority and create huge abundance.
How to channel your spirit guides and offerings to write your content and sales pages - never get stuck again with not knowing how to create or write, this module will have you flowing with channelled content, that speaks DIRECTLY to your soulmate client. You’re not guessing - its literally channelled for them
Imagine if you could see what was the core issue of your client - they’re blocked, they don’t know what it is, but their higher self does. In my healing sessions and then in my business coaching sessions, this is the reason why people paid me thousands per hour. Because I saw what no one else could, I went straight to their higher self to find the core block/issue that they couldn’t get past. You’ll also learn to work energetically with the clients higher self to create deeper transformation.
How to channel and work with your business spirit guides to plan your business, marketing strategies, content plan, sales planning, all of it. The breakdown to how I work with my spirit guides to grow and scale my business and exactly how I implement everything.
You’ll receive a deep dive pre-recorded training module each month that will take you through the processes and teach you exactly how to implement this work
You’ll receive a 3 x live business immersions run over Zoom to support you in shifting into your next level of business.
You’ll receive 11 x powerful healings that are run live and channelled for you from your spirit guides to help you scale.
PLUS... Channelling Spirit Academy...
The next level of Channelling Spirit Academy, designed to show you how to channel your modalities & offers, channel your content, provide channelled business sessions for clients & how to work with your spiritual team to scale your business.
Yes you want to channel your spiritual team, you want to know your soul purpose, be able to have chats with your spirit guides, get clarity on all areas of your life....
But you want more…
You want to know how I scaled my clients businesses and learn exactly how I did it, YOU WANT to know how to get clients results like scaling to 6 figures, multi 6 figures, 7 figures and multi 7 figures (which I did for my clients all in the last year)
You want to know how I run my business day to day channelling my guides, how I channel my content, channel my soulmate clients, activate and program my offerings and containers....
This is the next level of channelling.
You’ll learn how to provide business channelled sessions for clients - I’ll take you through exactly how to structure and run these sessions, so you can provide business channelling sessions to show clients what is their highest aligned path, their best marketing strategy, channel their offerings, channel their content and more. If you’re already supporting business owners this will add a depth to your work or you can offer this stand alone. This is the work that my clients pay me thousands for.
How to download, receive, request new offers, programs and modalities. You’ll get the break down of whats involved, how to prepare yourself and create space for this to come through, so you can create the programs that you become known for, have massive authority and create huge abundance.
How to channel your spirit guides and offerings to write your content and sales pages - never get stuck again with not knowing how to create or write, this module will have you flowing with channelled content, that speaks DIRECTLY to your soulmate client. You’re not guessing - its literally channelled for them
Imagine if you could see what was the core issue of your client - they’re blocked, they don’t know what it is, but their higher self does. In my healing sessions and then in my business coaching sessions, this is the reason why people paid me thousands per hour. Because I saw what no one else could, I went straight to their higher self to find the core block/issue that they couldn’t get past. You’ll also learn to work energetically with the clients higher self to create deeper transformation.
How to channel and work with your business spirit guides to plan your business, marketing strategies, content plan, sales planning, all of it. The breakdown to how I work with my spirit guides to grow and scale my business and exactly how I implement everything.
You’ll receive a deep dive pre-recorded training module each month that will take you through the processes and teach you exactly how to implement this work
You’ll receive a 3 x live business immersions run over Zoom to support you in shifting into your next level of business.
You’ll receive 11 x powerful healings that are run live and channelled for you from your spirit guides to help you scale.
How we work energetically with our offerings to ensure the transformation begins immediately when people begin working with us, so that they feel the energy of the offer and know immediately if they are a fit for it or not and how to create the highest transformations possible for clients using energetics.
How to download, receive, request new offers, programs and modalities. You’ll get the break down of whats involved, how to prepare yourself and create space for this to come through, so you can create the programs that you become known for, have massive authority and create huge abundance.
How to channel your spirit guides and offerings to write your content and sales pages - never get stuck again with not knowing how to create or write, this module will have you flowing with channelled content, that speaks DIRECTLY to your soulmate client. You’re not guessing - its literally channelled for them.
You’re energetically sensitive, me too, its a blessing and did you know all my online content and pages are protected energetically? Meaning whatever negativity & judgment, is sent my way, it doesn’t reach me. So I show up in full authentic truth, not concerned about backlash. If you’re energetically sensitive this is honestly life changing.
I’ll take you behind the scenes of my multi 6 figure launches and how I work with my spirit guides to co-create these launches, energetically and spiritually to call in the exact right clients and high sales amounts.
Imagine if you could see what was the core issue of your client - they’re blocked, they don’t know what it is, but their higher self does. In my healing sessions and then in my business coaching sessions, this is the reason why people paid me thousands per hour. Because I saw what no one else could, I went straight to their higher self to find the core block/issue that they couldn’t get past. You’ll also learn to work energetically with the clients higher self to create deeper transformation.
How to channel and work with your business spirit guides to plan your business, marketing strategies, content plan, sales planning, all of it. The breakdown to how I work with my spirit guides to grow and scale my business and exactly how I implement everything
How to provide business channelled sessions for clients - I’ll take you through exactly how to structure and run these sessions, so you can provide business channelling sessions to show clients what is their highest aligned path, their best marketing strategy, channel their offerings, channel their content and more. If you’re already supporting business owners this will add a depth to your work or you can offer this stand alone.
You’ll be introduced to my Soul Facilitator Blueprint™ Maps through which you can map out your capacity, understand how your business needs to run to best be in alignment with your soul and also how to offer Soul Facilitator Blueprint Mapping™ for your clients as part of your channellings and sessions to support them scaling faster
You’ll receive activations to activate your dormant soul codes, understand what they are and how to bring forth your soul codes in your work and offerings
Each month you’ll receive a live healing (recording will be sent to you if you don’t attend live, and they work just as well live as recorded) where I will work with your spirit guides (these are not generic, these are customised sessions) to identify where you are needing healing to shift and we will focus on core themes that require healing for spiritual entrepreneurs including: Visibility, Worthiness, Leadership, Fame, Sales, Abundance, etc to help you shift wounds, limiting beliefs, scarcity consciousness around these topics and help you step into the next level of your business.
These live sessions will be combinations of live energy work, activations, teachings and hot seat coaching. They will be completely channelled to support you in whatever you are most needing to shift into your business - they will be channelled for you, so whilst I can’t say what will be exactly in them right now, I can say they will be powerful transmissions to transform your business.
How we work energetically with our offerings to ensure the transformation begins immediately when people begin working with us, so that they feel the energy of the offer and know immediately if they are a fit for it or not and how to create the highest transformations possible for clients using energetics.
How to download, receive, request new offers, programs and modalities. You’ll get the break down of whats involved, how to prepare yourself and create space for this to come through, so you can create the programs that you become known for, have massive authority and create huge abundance.
How to channel your spirit guides and offerings to write your content and sales pages - never get stuck again with not knowing how to create or write, this module will have you flowing with channelled content, that speaks DIRECTLY to your soulmate client. You’re not guessing - its literally channelled for them.
You’re energetically sensitive, me too, its a blessing and did you know all my online content and pages are protected energetically? Meaning whatever negativity & judgment, is sent my way, it doesn’t reach me. So I show up in full authentic truth, not concerned about backlash. If you’re energetically sensitive this is honestly life changing.
I’ll take you behind the scenes of my multi 6 figure launches and how I work with my spirit guides to co-create these launches, energetically and spiritually to call in the exact right clients and high sales amounts.
Imagine if you could see what was the core issue of your client - they’re blocked, they don’t know what it is, but their higher self does. In my healing sessions and then in my business coaching sessions, this is the reason why people paid me thousands per hour. Because I saw what no one else could, I went straight to their higher self to find the core block/issue that they couldn’t get past. You’ll also learn to work energetically with the clients higher self to create deeper transformation.
How to channel and work with your business spirit guides to plan your business, marketing strategies, content plan, sales planning, all of it. The breakdown to how I work with my spirit guides to grow and scale my business and exactly how I implement everything
How to provide business channelled sessions for clients - I’ll take you through exactly how to structure and run these sessions, so you can provide business channelling sessions to show clients what is their highest aligned path, their best marketing strategy, channel their offerings, channel their content and more. If you’re already supporting business owners this will add a depth to your work or you can offer this stand alone.
You’ll be introduced to my Soul Facilitator Blueprint™ Maps through which you can map out your capacity, understand how your business needs to run to best be in alignment with your soul and also how to offer Soul Facilitator Blueprint Mapping™ for your clients as part of your channellings and sessions to support them scaling faster
You’ll receive activations to activate your dormant soul codes, understand what they are and how to bring forth your soul codes in your work and offerings
Each month you’ll receive a live healing (recording will be sent to you if you don’t attend live, and they work just as well live as recorded) where I will work with your spirit guides (these are not generic, these are customised sessions) to identify where you are needing healing to shift and we will focus on core themes that require healing for spiritual entrepreneurs including: Visibility, Worthiness, Leadership, Fame, Sales, Abundance, etc to help you shift wounds, limiting beliefs, scarcity consciousness around these topics and help you step into the next level of your business.
These live sessions will be combinations of live energy work, activations, teachings and hot seat coaching. They will be completely channelled to support you in whatever you are most needing to shift into your business - they will be channelled for you, so whilst I can’t say what will be exactly in them right now, I can say they will be powerful transmissions to transform your business.
- have direct conversations with their spirit guides about all areas of their life
- trance channel with total ease and clarity to receive high level guidance
- provide light language activations and healing to shift others and themselves
- ask what is their soul purpose/ what action they should take / what will lead them to their goal / is their relationship right for them / what is the contract they have with a certain person / what is the lesson behind the physical pain AND get clear answers from their spiritual team
- many have ran their own channelling events where they trance channel for others
- create their own modalities they channel from their spirit guides
-Understand what their soul purpose and step into higher abundance in their business
-Know how to clear spaces and offering home/land clearings
-Be able to work and channel crystals to work with them fully
If you're ready to get clear answers from the spiritual realms, this is for you.
Its time to get SpiritCode Activated™
Channelling gets you what you want.
It's a simplification but it's accurate.
Whether its relationships, business, health, when you ask your guides you receive clarity and clear guidance so you can take the right action to get what you want.
Whether it's taking the next step in your business/career, hitting your financial goals, healing physical issues, or manifesting the right relationships - your guides always provide guidance on how to create this to get what you want.
I've seen this time and time again with clients, students and myself.
Channel -> get clarity and guidance-> take the right action -> get what you want.
Athina really knows her stuff. She was able to answer all questions with such a great intelligence and knowledge.
The fact I have access to the downloads and course for the next couple of years is beneficial and useful as I can't forget these teachings and I can relearn recap and keep evolving as to not lose the skill I have gained which makes it very different to a lot of other courses.
I have definitely opened my third eye and managed to Chanel beings, it was really was incredible.
I am sad it's over as I looked forward to the class each week as it was so amazing.
I can't wait to continue this journey. l am so glad I did not wait until next year which I was originally planning to do due to finances. it has been so beneficial for me and I feel grateful to know Athina.
Thank you so much
Kati Ackerman
Healer & Holistic Counseller
Athina really knows her stuff. She was able to answer all questions with such a great intelligence and knowledge.
The fact I have access to the downloads and course for the next couple of years is beneficial and useful as I can't forget these teachings and I can relearn recap and keep evolving as to not lose the skill I have gained which makes it very different to a lot of other courses.
I have definitely opened my third eye and managed to Chanel beings, it was really was incredible.
I am sad it's over as I looked forward to the class each week as it was so amazing.
I can't wait to continue this journey. l am so glad I did not wait until next year which I was originally planning to do due to finances. it has been so beneficial for me and I feel grateful to know Athina.
Thank you so much
Kati Ackerman
Healer & Holistic Counseller
Channelling Spirit Academy opened my mind to what the human body is truly capable of, which allowed me to have the belief and confidence to experience and witness things I would have termed as 'fiction' a few years ago. I was able to meet other people in similar situations to mine, who really understood me. It was such a fun, exciting and nurturing space where I felt safe to learn.
One of the MANY reasons I respect Athina so much is because she is the example. She is literally 'walking the path' showing us all what is possible with the proper intention and training.
My experiences with her have been nothing short of mindblowing. I can honestly say I wouldn't be where I am today without her. Athina gave me clarity on why I am the way I am. She allowed me to become aware of who is on my spiritual team and looking out for me.
The best part is though she didn't leave me needing her help after the course was done. She made sure I could do this work on my own before the course concluded.
She made me stand on my own feet.
Channelling Spirit Academy covered everything I needed to know to allow me to connect with my team and follow their guidance.
Sarah Maxwell
Artist & Creative Director
Really enjoyed learning how to channel with Athina, she is a great teacher, really knows her stuff and I love her energy.
The course came along at the right time for me in my personal spiritual development and helped me to see what I need to work on, and I will be practicing as much as possible from now on, can't rate her enough and hope to work with her again in the future.
Stacey Carl
Quantum Healer, Intuitive and health coach
Channelling Spirit Academy opened my mind to what the human body is truly capable of, which allowed me to have the belief and confidence to experience and witness things I would have termed as 'fiction' a few years ago. I was able to meet other people in similar situations to mine, who really understood me. It was such a fun, exciting and nurturing space where I felt safe to learn.
One of the MANY reasons I respect Athina so much is because she is the example. She is literally 'walking the path' showing us all what is possible with the proper intention and training.
My experiences with her have been nothing short of mindblowing. I can honestly say I wouldn't be where I am today without her. Athina gave me clarity on why I am the way I am. She allowed me to become aware of who is on my spiritual team and looking out for me.
The best part is though she didn't leave me needing her help after the course was done. She made sure I could do this work on my own before the course concluded.
She made me stand on my own feet.
Channelling Spirit Academy covered everything I needed to know to allow me to connect with my team and follow their guidance.
Sarah Maxwell
Artist & Creative Director
Really enjoyed learning how to channel with Athina, she is a great teacher, really knows her stuff and I love her energy.
The course came along at the right time for me in my personal spiritual development and helped me to see what I need to work on, and I will be practicing as much as possible from now on, can't rate her enough and hope to work with her again in the future.
Stacey Carl
Quantum Healer, Intuitive and health coach
Channelling Spirit Academy was opening, grounding, enlightening.
I learned how to have conversations with my spiritual team and how to receive guidance. I feel confident that I can grow further in this, in a safe way.
I've always been a fan of energy management, however this course took it to a whole new level. I'm still in wonder of the guides that came through thanks to following the preparation steps, and the messages / guidance they shared. It feels like they are healing my heart. They give clear instructions on communication in relationships and how to grow in my business.
Their messages gave me deep trust in a phase of turmoil, and also... vision to move forward? I have attracted 2 new big clients. They feel like soulmate clients and there were no bumps in the road regarding payment: they immediately paid the full price.
I feel like my "higher self" attracted their "higher self" through the energy management tools this course gave me. I'm looking forward to inviting more spiritual guidance around the brainstorm table in my business and life.
Feeling grateful, humble and excited. Thanks Athina
Veerle Vandeput
Business Coach for Highly Sensitive Individuals
Channelling Spirit Academy was opening, grounding, enlightening.
I learned how to have conversations with my spiritual team and how to receive guidance. I feel confident that I can grow further in this, in a safe way.
I've always been a fan of energy management, however this course took it to a whole new level. I'm still in wonder of the guides that came through thanks to following the preparation steps, and the messages / guidance they shared. It feels like they are healing my heart. They give clear instructions on communication in relationships and how to grow in my business.
Their messages gave me deep trust in a phase of turmoil, and also... vision to move forward? I have attracted 2 new big clients. They feel like soulmate clients and there were no bumps in the road regarding payment: they immediately paid the full price.
I feel like my "higher self" attracted their "higher self" through the energy management tools this course gave me. I'm looking forward to inviting more spiritual guidance around the brainstorm table in my business and life.
Feeling grateful, humble and excited. Thanks Athina
Veerle Vandeput
Business Coach for Highly Sensitive Individuals
I discovered Athina after asking for what was next on my path.
I signed up for the channelling academy which was a life changing experience.
Athina is a beautiful soul who holds incredible space to open up and explore your abilities, deepen your connection with yourself and with beings of light.
I discovered more about myself and my purpose and this course offered me the opportunity to step into who I am with complete confidence and trust.
I would highly recommend Athina and the channeling academy I can only describe channeling as a way of being able to bring a little bit of home to other on this planet.
The world needs more people like Athina.
Tanya Hodgkinson
I’m here to help you expand your energetic capacity to receive divine information… as a channeller!
You will learn how to activate your soul purpose, trance channel with ease and clarity, and connect directly to your guides and angels to receive the guidance you and your clients need.
Channelling Spirit Academy™ is an 11-month program that will help you to become a powerful channeller, for personal use, and professional if you desire it.
No, it doesn’t take 11 months to start channelling, but you get access to all the live calls and energy work for 11 months - most students begin channelling after the first month.
You will learn to channel with discernment, accuracy and consistency, how to navigate the spiritual realms, shift your vibrational state and directly receive guidance from the higher realms.
Your entire spiritual team is waiting to help you with anything you may need.
Are you ready to hear them?
Your time is now. Join us below.
But that’s NOT what your investment in the program is.
Such a great experience overall.
There was a sense of belonging which was so beautiful. I loved how the course was rolled out.
I loved the video teaching from Athina as well as the hard copies. I had ease with some areas. I truly am grateful for the whole experience . I got sick near the end and had a month away from working on things which was what it was but I’m healthy and getting back into it!.
I had the gifts all along but this course provided me with a safe way to channel which was never taught to me because I just started channeling on my own. I loved learning about the different beings and ways to channel. It has provided me the solid foundation I really needed
Athina is a rock star and an amazing mentor! I also really enjoyed the crystal and fairy connecting
Sylvia Wells
The way this course is set up provides a very well thought out, nurturing environment to develop channeling skills from scratch.
Not only is Athina a fantastically capable and caring teacher who was able to answer all questions in a clear and inspiring way, but the practice calls allowed the participants to train with each other as we worked through the different units in a structured setting.
The FB members group was a great setting for asking questions and sharing information and "wins" throughout the course, as well as allowing for the community spirit to grow between participants and for us to support and encourage each other over the course.
Rob Richardson
Thank you so much Athina for facilitating an amazing course. It has no doubt opened a whole new world and experience for me.
I now can channel for people and the more I do it, the more information I get - so this is definitely a life skill that we keep building up thanks to the fantastic foundation that I've gained from your course.
Athina is an amazing teacher and coach. Not only she has vast knowledge of the spiritual world but her way of explaining things very easily and approachable make it less daunting for a total newbie like me. I will forever be grateful for that xx
Phuong Hong Ngo
I wasn't exactly sure what channelling was, I just knew that I wanted to work with Athina. Athina activates gifts within all of us. And she activated MANY gifts within me that I had NO idea that I had!
Channelling is such an amazing way to receive divine guidance for yourself and others. and there is no better person to do channelling with than Athina.
She is highly experienced as you will know, as soon as you start working with her. This course catapulted me into a spiritual awakening journey, a new and exciting path that I am so happy to be on.
This course really turned my life into magic.
I'm the happiest I've ever been after working with Athina and I can't say thank you enough.
Francine El - Sydney
Channelling Spirit Academy was so enlightening and so interesting
I now know the proper way to protect myself and create that connection. Now it's a matter of me practicing.
My favourite part was learning about galactic beings and light language.
It's answered so many questions I had about what channeling is and how to do it safely. As someone who has realized she is a Starseed, taking this course has allowed me to connect with galactic beings and channel light language which I am so happy about. My biggest immediate takeaway though is knowing how to properly clear and power up crystals.
Ceyda Seren
Channelling Spirit Academy benefited my life and spiritual connection by helping me connect to my higher self, passed loved ones and the divine with ease. I have been able to trust the intuitive guidance that is coming through and feel confident in my abilities.
I have loved being part of Channelling Spirit Academy. What I have really enjoyed about it is the structure of the whole course and also the student work book.
All the processes are clearly set out, you follow a methodology that is safe, using spiritual protection and you are able to achieve clear guidance with ease. Having regular training calls and practise sessions helps you gain your confidence and also to be able to ask questions and gain support.
Thank you for such a wonderful program Athina. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it to anyone who is wanting to strengthen their spiritual connection and channelling abilities.
Lauren Prosser
Wellness Life Coach + Quantum Practitioner
Going through the academy was a powerful trigger to ignite gifts that had been dormant within for a long time. Recreating a stronger connection with spirit.
Being a part of Channeling Spirit Academy has been a beautiful, heart opening experience shared not just with Athina but everyone else going through the process at the same time as myself. Some souls whom with I created life long connections with.
Athina has created something very powerful and full of soul, as she shares her gifts during the 12 weeks with others. Such a blessing. Something in me unlocked throughout those weeks, and I was able to remember what I had forgotten but always knew were there, just waiting for me to uncover them again. I loved the versatility of subjects covered in the course and the freedom to study and practise things on my own time. xx
Suvi Inkinen
Deep Transformation and Psychadelic Integration Coach, Spiritual Mentor & Channeler Sydney
Channelling Spirit Academy benefited my life and spiritual connection by helping me connect to my higher self, passed loved ones and the divine with ease. I have been able to trust the intuitive guidance that is coming through and feel confident in my abilities.
I have loved being part of Channelling Spirit Academy. What I have really enjoyed about it is the structure of the whole course and also the student work book.
All the processes are clearly set out, you follow a methodology that is safe, using spiritual protection and you are able to achieve clear guidance with ease. Having regular training calls and practise sessions helps you gain your confidence and also to be able to ask questions and gain support.
Thank you for such a wonderful program Athina. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it to anyone who is wanting to strengthen their spiritual connection and channelling abilities.
Lauren Prosser
Wellness Life Coach + Quantum Practitioner
Going through the academy was a powerful trigger to ignite gifts that had been dormant within for a long time. Recreating a stronger connection with spirit.
Being a part of Channeling Spirit Academy has been a beautiful, heart opening experience shared not just with Athina but everyone else going through the process at the same time as myself. Some souls whom with I created life long connections with.
Athina has created something very powerful and full of soul, as she shares her gifts during the 12 weeks with others. Such a blessing. Something in me unlocked throughout those weeks, and I was able to remember what I had forgotten but always knew were there, just waiting for me to uncover them again. I loved the versatility of subjects covered in the course and the freedom to study and practise things on my own time. xx
Suvi Inkinen
Deep Transformation and Psychadelic Integration Coach, Spiritual Mentor & Channeler Sydney
11 Months of support and calls (it doesn’t take 11 months to start channelling, most students begin within the first month, but we support you ongoing to fully step into your soul purpose after)
18 High Quality Modules to teach you to channel the different spiritual realms and fully activate your gifts
21+ Live Coaching Calls to support you as your move through the program and get your questions answered
8+ Live Energy Activations & Healings to help open up any dormant energy centres and clear anything that is stopping you from fully activating your gifts.
16+ Channelling Practice Sessions to team up with the other students and practice - this is an oppurtunity for you to receive channellings as well.
11 Live Trance Channelling Sessions providing unique information, powerful energy work and more.
5+ Powerful Activation Processes to support deeper activations of your gifts
Private Facebook Group for support anytime you need it.
Database of Healing Sessions to help you clear through blocks stipping you from fully activatnig your fifts
Access to Support Coaches who are successful channellers and practitioners in their own right .
Accredited Certification after finishing the program
Bonus Programs: Soul Aligned & Spirit Led, Fire Codes, The Atlantis Codes
10 Business Channelling Training Modules specific to channelling your offers, spirit business guides, and providing business channelling sessions
11 Live Business Healing Sessions to work through key blocks, wounds and beliefs that are holding you back from scaling your business
3 Live Business Immersions with activations, teachings, hot seat coaching to help you transform your business
We are currently open for enrollment for February 2025.
Please sign up below, or if you have questions, send me a message on Instagram or book an enrollment consultation.
Your Investment
Pay In Full
21+ Live Coaching Calls
8+ Live Energy Activations
18 High Quality Modules
Private Facebook Group
16+ Channelling Practice Sessions
11 Live Trance Channelling Sessions
Database of Healing Sessions
Access to Support Coaches
Accredited Certification
Professional support
Payment Plan
USD$400 x 11 months
21+ Live Coaching Calls
8+ Live Energy Activations
18 High Quality Modules
Private Facebook Group
16+ Channelling Practice Sessions
11 Live Trance Channelling Sessions
Database of Healing Sessions
Access to Support Coaches
Accredited Certification
Professional support
Pay In Full
21+ Live Coaching Calls
8+ Live Energy Activations
18 High Quality Modules
Private Facebook Group
16+ Channelling Practice Sessions
11 Live Trance Channelling Sessions
Database of Healing Sessions
Access to Support Coaches
Accredited Certification
Professional support
10 Business Channelling Training Modules
11 Live Business Healing Sessions
3 Live Business Immersions
Payment Plan
11 Monthly payments of
21+ Live Coaching Calls
8+ Live Energy Activations
18 High Quality Modules
Private Facebook Group
16+ Channelling Practice Sessions
11 Live Trance Channelling Sessions
Database of Healing Sessions
Access to Support Coaches
Accredited Certification
Professional support
10 Business Channelling Training Modules
11 Live Business Healing Sessions
3 Live Business Immersions
Your Investment
Pay In Full
21+ Live Coaching Calls
8+ Live Energy Activations
18 High Quality Modules
Private Facebook Group
16+ Channelling Practice Sessions
11 Live Trance Channelling Sessions
Database of Healing Sessions
Access to Support Coaches
Accredited Certification
Professional support
Payment Plan
USD$400 x 11 months
21+ Live Coaching Calls
8+ Live Energy Activations
18 High Quality Modules
Private Facebook Group
16+ Channelling Practice Sessions
11 Live Trance Channelling Sessions
Database of Healing Sessions
Access to Support Coaches
Accredited Certification
Professional support
Pay In Full
21+ Live Coaching Calls
8+ Live Energy Activations
18 High Quality Modules
Private Facebook Group
16+ Channelling Practice Sessions
11 Live Trance Channelling Sessions
Database of Healing Sessions
Access to Support Coaches
Accredited Certification
Professional support
10 Business Channelling Training Modules
11 Live Business Healing Sessions
3 Live Business Immersions
Payment Plan
11 Monthly payments of
21+ Live Coaching Calls
8+ Live Energy Activations
18 High Quality Modules
Private Facebook Group
16+ Channelling Practice Sessions
11 Live Trance Channelling Sessions
Database of Healing Sessions
Access to Support Coaches
Accredited Certification
Professional support
10 Business Channelling Training Modules
11 Live Business Healing Sessions
3 Live Business Immersions
This is a 5 part transformative online course designed for lightworkers who wish to dive deep into the mystical realm of Atlantis and access powerful activations for their psychic abilities, 5D embodiment and expanded consciousness.
In this course, you'll connect with the Atlantean Council of Light, a collective of higher dimensional beings that hold the wisdom and frequencies of the ancient Atlantean civilization to activate dormant energies, activate your psychic abilities and anchor higher dimensional abundance grids.
Including modules such as:
Atlantean Crystalline Body Activation, designed to connect and attune you to Ancient Atlantis grids and restore memories & gifts from previous lifetimes you have had in Atlantis
Psychic Gateway Clearing & DNA Activation, focused on a deep and powerful deplugging and energetic clearing of your pineal gland and third eye, designed to support deeper activation of your psychic abilities working with Atlantian Crystal Technology.
5D Earth Body Template Activation, this session will include a regridding of your etheric body allowing higher realm earth and 5D energies to grid into your entire body.
Abundance ReGridding Session, this session we will be working with Atlantean healing energy to clear out grids of scarcity, 3D programs around worthiness and poverty.
You will be attuned to the higher consciousness of abundance and abundance for all and receive the Atlantean templates for this.
A 6 week intensive to embody your soul purpose, work with your spirit guides to create a Spirit-Led Life & Business. This program is designed to help you identify and embody your soul purpose and to release all that is not in alignment with your soul purpose and activate your soul gifts, becoming fully soul aligned & spirit-led.
Modules included such as:
Transmutation & Releasing the Old Timelines with Guide St Germaine
In this session you will close all unaligned and lower timelines and disconnect from parallel lifetimes you are being affected by. A deep and powerful purge and cleansing process to prepare you to move into alignment with your new highest timeline.
The Highest Timeline Choice with the Andromedians
In this session you will be connect to and choose the highest timeline available for you, and understand what is required of you to hold this energy and this vibration.
Full Soul Embodiment with The Sirian Light Collective
This session will guide you to embody your soul & create a relationship with it and how to speak with it. You will experience a soul blueprint activation and experience a soul gift activation to begin to reactivate dormant soul gifts.
A Soul aligned life with Godess Isis
In this session, you will be guided to choose and channel your soul-aligned life, knowing what it looks like and how to live it now. You will consciously create and call in your soul-aligned life, and see what is needed for you to create and live this life.
Becoming Spirit Led with Your Higher Self
In this session you will be taken through a process to connect to your higher self, and a higher self activation so you can begin living a Spirit-Led life. You will receive processes and techniques so that you can begin to live a life that is fully guided by your guides, angels, higher self.
Becoming Soul Aligned and Spirit Led in Your Business
In this session you will recieve activations, processes and techniques to allow you to create a soul-aligned & spirit-led business.
A 5 part activation immersion with Athina Bailey designed to activate your fire codes.
This program is designed to activate each of your five sacred fire codes, to transmute lower vibrational energies, activate your sacred fire gates and transform into a higher vibrational being.
Introduce and amplify new passions, energies, and vibrational frequencies that will help lift you up, and open new doors of opportunity in your life
Activating each of your FIRE codes will help you to experience new, profound transformation in every area of your life.
Including modules such as:
Soul Fire Code Activation to help you discover your true soul and sacred purpose, and fully express this in all areas of your life.
Heart Fire Code Activation so you can activate deeper and higher levels of your heart chakra, tap into unconditional love and from this place attract deeper soul level love.
Sex Fire Code Activation so you can activate your sexual centres and allow for deeper spiritual activation.
Fire Purification Healing to help you burn away any lingering low-vibrational energies and blockages to stepping into your next level self.
Phoenix Fire Healing to support your transformation by rising from the ashes of your old self to call in your newer higher version.
If you’ve made it down this far, you’re probably considering signing up for Channelling Spirit Academy
You might be asking yourself how things will be different this time…worried you might invest in “another one of those programs” and not see results. know we don’t know each other yet, but I can promise you this: There is nothing I leave out of Channelling Spirit Academy when it comes to fully transforming your reality as you know it.
This isn’t one of those courses where I’m going to offer you an upsell to the “next level” or leave out some “expert secrets” that you’re not ready for, and can find in the “graduate program.”
I can’t ever bring myself to do that.
I know it’s a big commitment, and you might be feeling a little scared right now…
But let me ask you this: If fear hasn’t yet given you the results that you are looking for… why not try something new?
What if you were lead here? Guided by your intuition, your soul, your spiritual team who loves you so deeply?
If you’re afraid of trying something new… you may never experience the success you deserve.
I’m laying it all out for you. I’m making it easy on you.
I’ll be here to guide you. You will get the BEST transformational channelling program you’ve ever experienced in your entire life, but you must show up for yourself first, and push that SIGN UP button to see the effects.
Come witness what happens when you decide to fully go for it and take action on what you deserve most in life.
I absolutely loved this course.
It was exactly the course I was after to finally have a concrete method to begin channelling.
It has changed my life. Not only do I now have the opportunity to begin working in the field of channeling but have the ability to connect with my spirit team to receive guidance on all aspects of life.
I couldn’t recommend this course enough. Thank you so much Athina and the team!
Nikkia Katz
Channelling Spirit Academy was an amazing experience.
The course material was easy to follow and understand
After the course, my path unfolded- which was a MAJOR TAKEAWAY FOR ME.
ATHINA's Energies are just way too awesome. God Bless Her and I would like her to be part of my journey- Hence I will be choosing more of such courses with her where I am guided and supported by someone like her (who I can really trust for my highest good).
Harshada Samant
Channeller & Healer
Channelling Spirit Academy was an amazing experience.
The course material was easy to follow and understand
After the course, my path unfolded- which was a MAJOR TAKEAWAY FOR ME.
ATHINA's Energies are just way too awesome. God Bless Her and I would like her to be part of my journey- Hence I will be choosing more of such courses with her where I am guided and supported by someone like her (who I can really trust for my highest good).
Harshada Samant
Channeller & Healer
I absolutely loved this course.
It was exactly the course I was after to finally have a concrete method to begin channelling.
It has changed my life. Not only do I now have the opportunity to begin working in the field of channeling but have the ability to connect with my spirit team to receive guidance on all aspects of life.
I couldn’t recommend this course enough. Thank you so much Athina and the team!
Nikkia Katz
The channeling academy is the gift that keeps on giving.
I was so blown away at how easy it was to connect with my higher self, my guides, the ascended masters, and the galactic beings. The techniques of connection were easy to follow, and I enjoyed every second of connecting to Mother Earth and bringing the energy up through my hara line, back down to my heart center, and back up to the realm where the channeling takes place.
It’s so interesting because I’ve worked with the archangels heavily for the past 12 years, however, connecting with the galactic beings was my most favorite part. When I connect with the galactics, I feel a familiar presence with them. The information about crystals, land/nature spirits, and business training were awesome. I often find myself going back to the earlier activations about the 5D and the anchoring activation just for tune ups! Athina, I want to thank you again for allowing me to honor my true passion for channeling.
I’ve always been drawn to channeling ever since I heard my angel coach channel Archangel Michael and Metatron on almost every occasion when we had our angel group meditations. It has always fascinated me, and you literally made my dream come true. I was crying when I first got accepted and I’m crying now as I write this.
You have no idea the impact you made on my life, and you are such a shining and beloved star. The world is so much better with you in it, helping us lightworkers and lightkeepers to help facilitate the 5D consciousness to humanity is a gift that no other can provide. The Channeling Academy has taught me to be more confident, it has accelerated my training, and provided a connection to the Universe that I will never ever forget.
Toni Montague
I really loved that Athina has set the course with such an in-depth process that’s she’s mastered and works with herself for us to fully learn in such a safe guided process
My biggest take away I actually have the ability to communicate with my spiritual team and receive the guidance I need for my life’s purpose from those who know exactly what I need to become the highest version of myself.
Debbie Watts
During the first months of CSA, I realised my channel was more open and clearer than I thought when I applied. I soon came to understand how my channel worked, something that has been so important for my path during this last year. I have gotten so much confidence in myself, and learned soooo much through your teachings in the modules, your trance channellings, the coaches and the practices!
Already in the Higher Self-module my Light Language appeared. By the end of May, I suddenly knew how to heal.
So, in June I started my spiritual business for real, and now it's thriving like never before! (I even have waitlists on my services, haha - love it!)
I went from a place in life where I was burned out, had quit my job a year before, my sick-leave money from the government had ended, and I didn't know where I was going; to be in this place now where I live from the money I earn doing my soul's work through channelling and healing. All thanks to your fantastic Academy, I'm now living my dream life! I'm forever grateful to you, Athina!
The course has been amazing! I feel I have gotten everything I need of information about channelling during these months. I love how each module has its own focus on a being or a theme. It makes it easy to follow and concentrate about one thing at a time. And I like that the course lasts 11 months. At first, I thought it would be too long, but it turns out to be the perfect amount of time to get through it all when life happens on the side of it.
I feel we get so unbelievable much in the membership, like all the extra offerings you have had as well, such as the Atlantis Codes etc. It's just been incredible!
Monika Håkonsen
This course has been very inspirational and informative in strengthening my connection to my Higher Self and with my Spiritual Team.
Athina is a great instructor and made the course fun and insightful.
I couldn't wait for the next weeks lesson to come out. I've gained so much insight into my over all souls purpose and learned how to live more center in my day to day activities.
Thank you so much for the hard work you have put into this course, I look forward to working with you on other courses in the future.
I can't thank Athina enough for everything she does. She is a huge inspiration and I love how she makes things easy to understand.
Ian Lyons
© Copyrights by Athina Król. All Rights Reserved.