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What is Channelling?
Channelling is a natural form of communication with any form of consciousness that expresses itself through the channel.
You can channel almost anything and any beings however in the course we will have a select syllabus of beings you will be guided to channel.
You can either be a deep trance channel or light trance channel and we focus on both in this course! Throughout the channelling channel, you have full autonomy and control of what is happening.
Why Channel?
There are so many reasons people choose to channel. For most people we are drawn to it on an unconscious level. Starseeds, psychics, energy workers often want to use channelling as something to add to their repertoire whilst others simply want to use it to connect to their spiritual team.
For myself its a way of life. I channel programs from my guides, my marketing strategy, instructions for manifesting my desires and for healing.
Is This Course for Me?
Are you wanting to grow spiritually? Talk directly to your guides and angels? Then this course is for you.
Each round we have people of all levels come through. We have total newbies and beginners who start to channel, we also have mediums, experienced psychics who want to move into channelling. We also have seasoned channellers who want to go to the next level with their channelling work.
I say to people who are unsure, can you consistently, constantly and reliably channel everytime you desire and get a stream of channelled spoken information easily that answers the questions you had, and do this for yourself and others, consistently? If not, this is course is for you.
Who Can Channel?
I truly believe anyone can channel. For some people it will come so easily, so quickly and for others it will take some work!
Like any other skill its a muscle which can take time to build.
How is This Different From Psychic Development?
This is a more intensive form of psychic development. You get all the benefits of expanding and developing your psychic abilities as well as learning how to channel and communicate directly with your spiritual team.
I don't know anyone who teaches this the way I do, with the energetic upgrades, downloads and with the theory and processes to safely and effectively give psychic readings and trance channel.
Tell us about yourself
I'm Athina Bailey. I'm a trance channeller first and foremost, and I created Channeling Spirit Academy. I grew up psychic and I've been channeling for a very long time.
My own spiritual awakening probably started around the age of 16, It's pretty full on when you have star beings coming into your room waking you up talking to you and especially if you're not prepared for that, which threw me into the deep end and I started actively working with my guides and my angels speaking with them.
And that really allowed me as soon as I finished school, I went and I studied energy work. I really pursued so many different energy healing modalities to understand how we can work on ourselves to deepen this connection to the divine. I began to see clients for energy healing and channeling and more and more people were seeking me out for my channeling work, which then naturally transitioned to people asking to learn from me. And then Channeling Spirit Academy was born.
Whats the syllabus of the program?
That's a really great question. And this is something that I think separates Channeling Spirit Academy again because I didn't just go here's how to channel your guides, here's how to channel crystals, we go deep into that realm,into the dimension that they existing and talk about how you can work with them in your daily life on a deep level.
The way I like to think about it is you have your unique soul gifts along with your own unique soul blueprint, right? Channeling Spirit Academy works through all the possibilities of who you can channel, it works through all the different dimensions, giving you resources, skills, tools, you work through each one, some of the dimensions, beings, you channel, you're going to have a really strong connection with others, maybe not so much, you won't resonate with it that strongly.
But what it does is it gives you this really solid foundation that you can then leave and thrive from, and that's why we see you know, we have people who they get to the crystal module, right, and in it, you do learn how to make crystal elixirs. By channeling the crystals, you learn how to communicate with crystals, how to clear them and how to feel their energy. All of that is included how to make crystal grids, how to activate them, that's included. And so that communication level with crystals and how you learn to work with them.
We then have people who go on to create these beautiful crystal elixirs, and we have many people who have done that, and they're in stores selling them now. So it's creating this foundation.
We have people when they get to automatic writing, and light language that it comes online for them, right, they start actually channeling these symbols, and they start drawing the symbols and they start creating these amazing artworks. Because that's what resonates with their soul. We have people who are actually going and selling light language transmissions. That's part of their business.
We have people who are offering land clearings from the module where I teach you how to work with land, how to feel and sense the energy in your home, how you can actually read the grids how to it's an introduction to geomancy in the land spirits, right?
So it's so in depth every single module in nature spirits, you're learning how to communicate and channel the nature spirits in your home and in the world around you. So if you're working with flower essences of any kind, Australian bush flower, medicines, anything like that, you're learning to work with it on a higher level.
So all of this knowledge that you learn and understand from this course you can then go your own direction as well whilst having this amazing foundation to support you. The possibilities are truly infinite.
What is the student experience like?
The student experience I can say from what I've witnessed is truly magical. I have seen the most incredible friendships that blossom out of this course.
People often tell me that they actually met their soul tribe from Channeling Spirit Academy. You're not in this program alone. Again, it is not a DIY, figure it out on your own. Not only are you getting support from me and the practitioners that I bring on to support you, but you're also getting support from the other students around you.
As a student, you have a community supporting you, where you can check in share your wins, ask questions, and read other people's experiences, you're going to be paired up so you have someone to connect with, you're going to experience going and attending live channeling session swaps, where you get to be paired up with someone.
And we try to be as local as possible. So very often, even though it's global, you'll meet someone who's where you are located in your part of the world. So in these channeling swap sessions, you'll actually receive channeling sessions to people leave this course and they have so much information about themselves that they've learned because they've received so many different channeling sessions.
So you do receive coaching sessions, connection calls, there are so many different opportunities for you to connect and meet people, meet your tribe, and have this beautiful experience. It is my intention for it, that you are so supportive, and you spend time in this transformative container surrounded by soul tribe.
And that is anchored in for you and you can keep coming back to that you can keep connecting back to that tribe that you met that you connected in with the schools and it stays for you for life.
These are friendships and connections that are made for life. And honestly I've seen that. That's what's come out of this course.
As an example right now, the people who are filming this are the students who came through my course graduated and this was what was it three years ago, two years ago and here we are the web designers, everybody who's supporting the back end of my team as well. They have moved through this course themselves!
I'm already psychic - will this still benefit me?
This is such a great question. And probably one of the questions that I get asked the most.
The truth is we have people come in Channeling Spirit Academy who have never done this work, who have just had a spiritual awakening. They've been blown into it and they're like, Oh my God, this whole other realm exists, II want to start talking my guides. And then we have people who are already successful energy, healers, channellers even, and mediums, and they come in because they want to go to the next level.
The thing about Channeling Spirit Academy is nothing like that exists. So even if you've had two years of training, years of doing psychic work, we get skilled psychics come into the school, unless you are actually having these full on conversations with your guides, unless you are able to trance channel, light language channel to the degree that you want to - this course is going to benefit you, right?
Because as a psychic, if you're watching this, you're already a medium, you're psychic, you already know you can tune in and get information. But if your client asks you a question and you want to be able to actually speak to the guide to the being on such a level that you can get clear, literal essays word for word information, do that in a trance state know exactly who you're connecting to where and deepen that knowledge, then this is for you.
If you are not at the level where you can have a conversation with a guide, just like they were in the room with you, Channeling spirit Academy is appropriate for you. That is what we teach.
Now, I understand that if you're listening to that, you might be like, Oh, okay, but I'm not a psychic. I'm not a medium. Don't worry. Like I've got you there too. The first month is where we work on the quantum and dimensional awareness where we are actually working on shifting your energy body. And it doesn't matter if you are experienced or if you are new.
I guarantee you if you're a psychic medium, you have not learned or experienced what I teach you in this course, you just have it there is nothing else like it that exists. And so whether you have done some sort of energy, work psychic work for years, or you are just coming into it, you're going to be learning new skills, new tools, learning how to navigate the dimensions, shift your quantum fields, move quickly activate open up your fields and connect to different dimensions, different beings, and trance channel indirect channel in ways you've never experienced before. So wherever you are at your spiritual journey, I can meet you there.
I've tried psychic development programs before and they haven't worked for me - how do I know this will work for me?
This is such a valid question. And it is one that I do hear regularly, people have done psychic courses, mediumship courses, and they haven't got the results they wanted or they read a book that said, close your eyes, connect to your guides, ask a question and receive.
If you are not already psychic, you're not going to get anything, right.
If you're not psychic, and I tell you to close your eyes and tune into it receive or do some sort of practice, you're not going to get anything, right, because you're not psychic.
So practice isn't enough. I mean, it is enough in the sense that if you do it for a few years, yeah, eventually you will become psychic. But you know, we don't want to do it for three years, we're moving quickly.
We're connected to the quantum. We're here to shift, change transform, and we want quick results. So the difference about this course is that you get the energy work, energy activations and energy healings that support you in opening up your psychic centers, your higher chakras, your central channel, all of these different energetic blueprints, that you have to open up your psychic abilities, and we heal what is actually blocking them.
Because it's like, we come into this world, we're pretty tuned in, we're pretty open. So what happens that we disconnect from it, in our natural state, as babies, we're all connected, we're opened up, and then we disconnect. Something happens, right?
And it's this world that we're born into this programming, and sometimes it can happen from previous lifetimes that we carry fears, consequences, maybe we've been punished for our psychic gifts. At some point, we turn them off, we switch them off, because it is programmed for us to live here disconnected.
It's not how we're supposed to live, we are supposed to live in a state of connection to the higher realms. But that is not how we are programmed, what we actually have to do, it's like we have to undo this programming you've received.
We do that by clearing beliefs and fears around channeling, that is modules that we do, we heal your third eye chakra your throat chakra, you can't start channeling without healing the stuff that's sitting there. So we move through all of these layers and clear it. So you're this open channel to receive.
Then from that state, I'm not just telling you to close your eyes, and receive, I give you my method, the R.A.E. Method, which is a full system that teaches you how to shift into the higher dimensions how to activate your own quantum fields, and connect discern with higher dimensional beings.
And then we actually move into hearing and receiving, right, if you haven't done all the energy work and you don't have a system, you don't, you're not going to be able to channel if it's like if I put you in a kitchen and said, Here's some egg, here's some flour. Make me make me a cake.
Right you need, you need a tried tested recipe you'd like actually something that works. And unfortunately, in the psychic world, because it is so intuitive. We don't always get like a full system, but you do in Channeling Spirit Academy, which is why we have such a high success rate and such great results.
So, along with those two things, then you also get high level support, you get support from me, from my channeling graduates and from the other people in the course. So when you come to me and go, you know what, I'm really stuck, I'm not getting anything, we can have a look and say this is what's coming up for you.
This is what we do, personalized healing in the group session. That is something that really, really supports you and any questions that you have, they are answered. So you have this high touch support.
So much practice, like there are so many opportunities to practice and actually work on the system that you're given. So our success rate is really high for those things. And if it hasn't worked for you before, I'm not surprised because you probably didn't do the energy work or have a system before.
But you get that in Channeling Spirit Academy.
So, whilst I can't guarantee anything, I am incredibly confident in the transformation this course actually creates. And actually we did have one woman years ago who came through the course. And she said to me at the end, she said Athina you know, I'm still having a hard time channeling but this is still the best investment I've ever made in my life.
My life has completely transformed and it's funny because I still not fully able to channel but it is still the best investment I've ever made in my life. And that to me was incredible to hear. So in the unlikely event that you leave this course and you're not channeling at the level that you would like to you're not having those high level conversations with your guides that you will like to this course is still going to completely transform your life.
I want more information about the program
Amazing, I would love to support you in entering this container and becoming a beautiful channeler for the divine realm and actually being able to embody that in your own life.
So you'll be able to find a link on this page that if you click will take you through to a payment form. Once the payment has gone through, you'll receive a series of emails that will give you access and information where you can go, you can join the membership site, and you'll be able to log in and there you'll be able to get started, get the manuals, get the processes, make sure you read through that really carefully, because it has a lot of information about how the courses run and where you need to be.
You'll also be able to join the support community and you can introduce yourself and connect with the people who are in this program as well. As soon as you sign up, you'll be sent a series of emails with quite a bit of information so make sure you read through them all my team is here to support you. If you need anything, feel free to reach out for us. And then I'll see you inside of the course itself. Blessings!
© Copyrights by Athina Bailey. All Rights Reserved.